Una Mirkovic

Gestalt therapist

Working language; Serbian, Croatian, Bosnian, Montenegrin, French and English
Praxis: 68 Rue de Beggen, L-1220 Luxembourg
Contact: +352 671 52 74 65, unamirkovic.gestalt@gmail.com
Website; Under construction


My Story
I was born in Serbia, and as a very young, I moved to France with my family. I was 4 when I discovered a different dimension, through language and culture that I was not familiar before. This experience marked me for life. Facing the difference was not always reassuring, but it widened my perspective and aroused my curiosity for the other.

Years later, I studied French language and literature and for a long time I have worked as a teacher of French as a foreign language in the French Institute (Institut français).

There, I had the opportunity to lead many conversational workshops with multicultural groups, where, as a teacher, I had to adapt to students from different cultures and countries. It was a challenge to find a way to communicate when you don't have the same mother tongue and don’t share the same cultural codes. Discovering the other has been an exciting process for me.

At the same time, I’ve discovered the gestalt therapy by participating in encounter groups. Very quickly, I fell under its transformative charm and began to make it a philosophy of life...

My Gestalt Background
I started my training, at the Gestalt Studio, in Belgrade, Serbia. For personal and sentimental reasons I moved to Luxembourg. This is why I continued and completed my training at the Institut Belge de gestalt-thérapie, in Brussels.

Passionate about the socio-cultural domain, I obtained my diploma as a gestalt therapist by writing on the subject of cultural differences through the prism of the Gestalt. My focus is on two basic needs of every human being - to belong and to differ from others.

In order to put it into practice, I started to co-lead an encounter group on this topic with a colleague.

Always very connected to both cultures, I have undertaken translations in the field of the theory of the gestalt therapy which are now published in both countries.

During my training, I have undertaken my own therapy, I am under supervision and I adhere to the code of professional conduct as a full member of EAGT and CEGt.

What I Offer
My view of psychotherapy is not to "cure" or "change" the other.

I encourage my clients to appropriate the capacity to make their own choices, and to "turn their words into poetry and their walk into dance."

I work with adults, couples and groups face to face and via live videoconference.